Computer history?
Do you or don't you delete it? Has anyone ever looked at it, and what's in it? I'm not trying to stalk you, but hey, I'm just interest on how others deal with their computer history. (=・ω・=)
I use to wait hourly to delete the yaoi off my history. It got to a point were I was tried of it, and just didn't feel like doing it, so I forgot many, many times. So, what did I do? I deleted all my history on accident.... ( ̄∇ ̄")
Then, BAM! I discovered incognito mode. I felt kind of dumb for not knowing it was there, and for always ignoring the warning it gave me whenever I deleted my history. But, no worries, because now I'm happily reading yaoi and listening to Fullmetal Alchemist Ending Track 5 on incognito mode! Oh, how lucky I am! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
I don't care much at all for my history since no one ever uses my laptop or phone. However sometimes I do clear it after I've done something regretful (like watch really explicit lesbian porn). My problem isn't history, but rather my father using apps to track my internet searches and site uses. I knew about Incognito a loong time ago, but it only ......
28 12,2016