Does anyone else get random thoughts?
I like... never sleep, so i get random thoughts always. Here's a dumbass list below xD
Are animals racist? You know how some animals don't like other animals cause they're different species? Would that be considered racism or am i just being dumb lmao.
Are animals sexist? Or is it just the feeling of wanting to protect?
...where did humans come from? Ik theres the monkey thing, but tbh after all the stuff scientists said in like the 19th century about blacks being a lower category of humans, ive kinda lost all faith in them.
Do you think dogs look up at us with all our dumbshit and be like...'what the fuck'
Is science really a thing or are they just lying to us like how kylie jenner lied about her companies networth.
Was certain shit plotted out?
Are we really going to make it past 2020?
You can share you're own 4 am questions, or answer others :) stay positive!
Uffff there is this question that kept me awake in addition to my insomnia :)
So if you would cut of a finger from a human and then turned that same human into a vampire. And then fed them their own finger, would it still be considered cannibalism?
Sry if my English isn’t that great....
God I need some social interaction PLEASE
2 reply
12 06,2020
Isn't it crazy to think that humans have fabricated this reality? That humans fabricated morals and ideas and treat as undeniable facts? There is really no such thing as human rights or animal rights. Humans made all of that up. Unless you believe in a higher power, nothing says that you entitled to or deserve a dang thing in this world. There is m......
12 06,2020
I'm so dumb at expressing myself that when my brain starts to work like a genius at night I feel so off bruh. Here are some examples:
- Wouldn't eating shrimps be nice?
- Imagine me living in a mansion... I would set it on fire and eat my damned buckwheat.
- What happened to the mutan rat in my dream bruh, did it really die?
- Should I just get u......
12 06,2020
i like your thinking
12 06,2020