Can I help my mother somehow?
My mother needs mental help. She is a very turbulent person. She's always been that way since my childhood. She was physically, mentally and emotionally abusive towards me when I was younger, and I resented her for it at that time. But as I got older, I learnt how our relatives ruined her life and that made me more empathetic towards her.
My father's family singled her out, abused her verbally, extorted her, and is working on ruining her reputation just because she stopped paying them. My grandmother is kicking us out of our house, and she legally kicked my mother out of the family business. So, I definitely sympathise with her and forgive her for taking out her frustrations on me. We're in the process of moving out into a bigger and better house and my mom recently opened a new outlet for her business, so she's been happy. But this happiness feels so fragile as if she could break down at any moment. She's left us for short periods before and I'm scared that if something goes wrong, she'll really leave us.
So how do I tell her that she needs help with her mental health? If I bring it up, she'll blow up on me, and my father always says, "Your mother is insane," but never does anything to get her adequate help. I want her to be happy and healthy. Long ago, when we were fighting, I told her she needed help, and she totally freaked out and went on about how I say and do everything just to ruin her life and that I was born to make her life miserable. I don't want her to have this reaction again.
I accidentally thought this was written by me because uhm we have very similar situations bro it's kinda crazy. Honestly as someone who grew up with a mother with undiagnosed bpd (she's recently been diagnosed and has started medication and therapy), it has fucked me up and I'm beyond saving now. But for the safety of your household and most import......
3 days
Hello, there’s only so much advice I can give you with the little you’ve shared, so my answer may be inadequate.
When one needs help, they can either accept the fact or deny it vehemently. No matter how sincerely approach the subject, if your mother doesn’t want help, she will not welcome it.
So what can you do?
If you are seeing someone......
3 days