Hello, I'm sorry if I'm posting this on the forum. I just wanted to make one last attempt.
Hi, my love I know your reading here, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but I wanted to try. I have no way of reaching you anymore, and maybe that’s how you wanted it to be. But if there’s even the smallest chance that you’ll read this, then I’ll take it. Because even after everything, I still want to know, are you doing okay, are you getting better. Things haven’t been the same for me since you left. But please, don’t think I’m saying this to make you feel guilty, I never blamed you for leaving. I know you were afraid, afraid that your struggles might become mine too, afraid that staying would only hurt me. But, baby, the moment I met you, I was already ready to catch you, even if it meant I’d fall too. Because if it was you, I wouldn’t have minded the fall. You once told me love should be patient, that love should be kind. And I still believe that. Loving you has never been a burden, never been something I wanted to run from. If anything, it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I just wish we could’ve figured things out together. Do you still have the cross I gave you, I know you’re not really religious, but I gave it to you for a reason. It wasn’t just a gift, it was my way of making sure that, no matter what happened, you’d never feel alone. That when things got too heavy, when your thoughts became too much, you had something to hold on to. Something to remind you that I was always there, even if only in spirit. I don’t know if this will matter now, but I’m leaving for the States tomorrow. I won’t be coming back. Maybe this is my way of saying goodbye, or maybe it’s just my heart making one last attempt to reach you. Either way, I’ll be at the airport at 9 AM, Gate 6(The Airport near my house). I won’t ask for anything. I won’t expect anything. But if you ever wanted to see me, if even just for a moment, I’ll be there. And if you don’t come, that’s okay. I’ll understand. I’ll walk away with nothing but gratitude in my heart because loving you, even from afar, has been one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever known. If this is goodbye, then let it be a soft one. One without anger or regrets. Just love, pure and simple, the way it was always meant to be.