so yea i fucked up bad and need to earn like 60 dollars within a month or so. i had these headphones(i didnt want them as they were expensive and i know with my adhd i was cooked) so yep i ended up loosing them. they were a gift. and i didnt have anything else to use. i tried being careful. my dad is going to kill me when he finds out(im not joking) and my mom refuses to help even though ive begged her and assured that ill pay the money back when i get a job but yea no im fucked. so any way to earn money? seriously guys. please no OF suggestions and im just a student of 17.
two legal, possible, and fast option that you can do: 1) sell some of your stuff (like clothes, gadget) 2) borrow a money. you can't get a job within a month anyway, the process is long. reply