We're back again with a fresh set of Qs for y'all to A, let's gooooooooooo!
1. We're going to 7/11, what are you getting? Pick a drink, a savory snack, a sweet snack, and a misc. purchase (can be anything they sell, smokes, lighter, lipchap, cat food, cash from the ATM to buy drugs with later, etc)
2. Dream vacation! You have an all expenses paid 2 week vacation anywhere you'd like! Where are you going? Why that location in particular? What are you gonna do while you're there? Going alone or bringing a friend or two?
3. What piece of media would you say had the biggest influence on you? How has it influenced you?
4. What is your LEAST favorite trait in another person? Why that trait in particular? Is it unforgivable for you, or are you able to overlook it?
5. What's a skill you want to learn or are currently in the process of learning (can be anything from painting, to not swearing so much, to being a kinder person)? Why did you decide you wanted to learn that skill? How is your progress going?
(1)I have no clue what a 7/11 is but Lemonade, pizza flavoured pringles (sounds weird but surprisingly taste amazing) a pack of gum and a cat toy for my spoiled ass cat.
(2) Either Japan or England, maybe Rome or France as well, I'd mainly go for the food, the sites and the things I could get there but not from my country. Would love to bring a f......
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