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Lesbian here. I’ve told a few of my close friends, and they’re all completely fine with it. One even makes a ton of gay jokes with me, so that’s good. I’ve also told my brother, and he’s fine with it. I’ve tried telling my mom, and, while she’s not against it, she thinks that it’s just hormones. That’s a bit annoying, but it’s f......   2 reply
09 06,2020
My storie was: Im a teenager and I was on social media then... Appear me some LGBTQ+ posts and After 1 Or 2 months I realized that I wasn't straight. Then I tell my friends and myself that I was bissexual (im a girl) but I didn't like boys because of "that" thing they have and i tink it's discusting (sorry ) then I was thinking I was Lesbian then......   reply
19 08,2020
Your openly gay lesbian here. Hi my name is Car!a and I'm a lesbian, when I came out to my friends I was scared they would hate me but they were really accepting. I told my brother and he didn't really care. The only people I didn't tell was my mom and step dad. I didn't tell my mom, my mom found out. I had gotten a present from a girlfriend of min......   1 reply
09 06,2020
So i recently just came out as bisexual and honestly ive only told my online friends and im feeling pretty good a little nervous but good.   1 reply
09 06,2020

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