Just smth I’m getting frustrated abt
Ok, maybe I being sensitive, but have any of you noticed the over saturation of fetishization of Korean and Japanese people? I’ve seen so many people commenting under Korean TikTok’s with shit like “Hood Unnie”, or “on my Seoul”, WTFFFF. Im Chinese myself so seeing this pisses me off sometimes, because these are the same people who use the ninja emoji as a placeholder for the N word. On that note, has anyone got annoyed over the constant “THIS IS WHY KOREA/JAPAN IS LIVING IN 2050” like stfu, you’re riding on the popularization of K-pop, manga, and anime to glorify certain cultures. I love Korea and Japan, they have some of the richest foods, clothing, and traditions, but I hate the fact that everything they do is constantly praised. I quite literally saw someone calling a product that originally was created in CHINA, a “Korean Makeup Product”??? Mixing up East Asian countries and completely ignoring South Asia is probably the thing that’s pissing me off though. Wdym people say India isn’t part of Asia, wdym we’re normalizing the impossible East Asian beauty standards!!! Sorry for the rant, I’m sick and I just needed to rant, you don’t have to agree but ig these are just the opinions of a chronically online scroller.
I agree. Those people think only Japanese and Korean people are Asian, lol.
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7 days