Ochem Exam Rant
Don't mind me, but I just had my second Ochem exam, and I thought I ate it up, but it did, in fact, eat me so badly. I went to the review session, went to the office hours, and did the homework, but I managed to fuck up the easiest questions. the easiest points I managed to fuck up. for one question, we had to go from the name to the structure, and I did something I had never seen before, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist, and I was so blinded by confidence that I didn't bother looking over it again. I did this on the last exam as well. I feel so bad for my professor because I went to the office hours the day before to ask some general questions, and she mentioned the most basic reaction, the acid-base, and I managed to have this very reaction fly away from my brain on the exam. I spent 30 MINUTES on one question (synthesis) because I believed it was impossible because I forgot whether or not Clemmensons reduces the carboxylic acid. I had to get up and ask her if it was possible, and she couldn't tell me. ( it fact does not; she whispered it in my ear as I turned it in, so I got it right) I also managed to fuck up another easy section because I skimmed over it while studying, like ranking carboxylic acids shouldn't be that hard. I have severe exam anxiety, and I'm in my 3rd year of college and plan on going to university next year. I am so screwed. I know that it isn't a big deal, but I just disappointed my elf and my amazing professor, who did everything she could to help. PLEASE, I can't go 5 minutes without thinking about the monstrosity she's going to grade, I'm going to have nightmares about this shit as I did for my math class.
I’m a different major (CS) but I feel this
I also had a finals today
4 days