fake feminism
I will just say it: you are not a real feminist if a woman disagrees with you about how men's lives are not in easy mode like you claim and your first response is, "Uh, it's because you don't have trauma with them." Do you want to be trauma-dumped on? Fine. I got sexually assaulted by men as a 13-year-old multiple times; my father was and still is violent toward stuff, and it's scary. He used insults and threw stuff around, breaking doors when I was just a child. I find men really scary; all of my traumas were done by men, but I'm just tired of people who claim they are feminists invalidating my trauma just because I'm saying men don't have it easy either.
I'm just saying villainizing men and dehumanizing men will not get us anywhere. If men's lives were so easy, you wouldn't find statistics saying that men are the ones who commit suicide the most. We, as a society, don't allow them to be vulnerable or allow them to need emotional support; they literally prefer to throw themselves rather than appear weak. You will say, "Uh, it's their fault." Guess what? They didn't get out of the womb like that; we raised them to be that way. Women also perpetrated the problem, like with the stuff "be a man." I was a witness to it every time my brother would cry; my mother and my father were giving him a hard time with stuff like "Be a man" or He is weak for crying and "Men don't cry," and guess what now? He doesn't cry, but when he gets emotional, he starts acting violently; heck, my parents are forgiving. I've seen parents slap their male children for crying.
What I'm saying is it's not that men live is hard as women or that they have the same level of suffering as us, but their life is not easy either. I'm just tired of people acting like feminism is hating men; there is a user that doesn't shut up about how feminist she is here, but I saw her answer in some forums that it's fine to leave your friend if she got pregnant; being a feminist is not about how you hate men; it's about being there for women when society abandons them; you are not a feminist if you are doing the same shit that the society you're complaining about.
Again, I'm not complaining about women saying men suck or complaining about men; hell, I understand if they avoid men out of trauma; we all react to trauma differently. What I'm against is going after other women because they disagreed on saying men's lives are easy and "they want to be a victim so baaaaad." No one's life is easy.
Also saw some "feminist" users say here they are fine with reading male-on-male rape because it's unrealistic, way of you to invalidate male rape victims. I didn't even touch on how society doesn't take men's sexual trauma seriously. I remember there was a woman who was a serial rapist, and none of the men did go to the police, but one man was brave enough to do it, and literally people made fun of him; heck, just look at Sienna Mae and the guy she was sexually harassing. Also, guys, it's hypocritical of you to say, "Men are the scum of society and deserve to be raped," when your list is only yaoi. Are you seeing men as your only sexual fantasy? And are you fine with sexually objectifying men? literally something that you are complaining men are doing to you? "I'm only doing it 2D men." You watch real BL drama too, so.
I will get shit for this one...