bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs
I found a bed bug today in my room. Near the end of 2024 my dad did a deep cleaning of my room and bought me a new bed, even though the two exterminators that visited for estimates told him not too. I haven't had an exterminator actually do any kind of work in my room except just checking for bugs. I got 2 estimates and sent them to CPS ages ago and nothing has been done about it. Anyways that deep cleaning seems to have fended them away for a few months, but I just found one and I can't tell if it's dead or alive. I panicked so I hit it so if it was alive before it isn't now. Everyone that kinda helped me emotionally with this problem before aren't here anymore. Tomorrow I'll try to reach out for some help again, and we'll see if anything different happens before the situation gets really bad.
But I think if u get a bedbug en casement u will be ok
My dad is super uncooperative and stubborn. I don't have much money myself so I don't think I'm able to purchase one on my own.
For now, just focus on saving money. (I did stuff like sell my clothes on Depop/ bday money etc.) Even if your bed gets infested, that’s ok. Cuz once they’re trapped inside a mattress encasement, they’ll die off. You can sometimes find them cheaper on Facebook Marketplace, so it’s worth checking.
I know how frustrating this can be. I dealt with bedbugs for years without any help, no job, and no support from my family. I used my birthday money and Depop (although it was taxed heavily) just to buy dtuff like diatomaceous earth, sprays, and bedbug bombs. I had to bag up all my clothes, throw out my furniture, and started fresh. I slept on the floor for half a year before getting a new bed thanks to my caseworker.
But honestly, what helped the most was getting rid of my bed and using an encasement. You already did half of that. So in my experience, focus saving money for a mattress encasement, then focus on ways to exterminate. Cuz once u sleep on that floor it makes u literally wanna off urself lmao
You got this tho, you’re not alone. This will pass :)
ur not alone I’m going thru the same thing rn too
It's so mentally draining :`-(
Just curious, did the exterminators say why not to get a new bed?
If I had to guess, it’s probably that if you don’t eradicate all the bedbugs in the room first, if you get a new bed they’ll just latch onto the new bed. And boom, wasted money, same issue.
We would have to move the infected bedding throughout the house to toss it out. We could've infected the other rooms while getting rid of it. Also some bugs might just be hiding in other cracks and crevices other than the bed.