whats the worst piece of advice you've been given?
i have massive fucking anger issues and there is nothing more that annoys me than someone saying breathe. i was crashing the fuck out and i get told «wait wait wait brreeathe» SHUT UP its not helping at all and if i was to do it, i would wanna do it on my own accord not on someone else tryna be «helpful» when they're not. the best thing you can do is stay silent and do nooooot touch me
I hate when someone tells me to just not be sad. Or just not think about my ptsd. Like it ain't that simple. I get triggered all the time. How am I just not supposed to think of it when my triggers exist everywhere. 1 reply
A teacher disliked me n my friend for the dumbest reason; we used to sit at the very far back of the classroom and she somehow always associated that spot with troublemakers although I was a top student in her class. Me n my friend were pretty chill regardless since it was our last year of middle school n we wanted to leave good memories behind, bu...... 1 reply
Man, last time I lost control I got hold down, rushed to the er, and got injected by something. It was the right thing to do- I broke a window with my fist, punch a mirror, threw things at my family who were trying to calm me down. I had 4 male relatives to hold me down (im a girlypop). Take accountability for your emotions, before it worsen, then ...... reply
My mom to teenage me: That all my problems (depression, school burn-out, heartbreak, isolation from friends) are imaginary problems and aren't real and that it's nothing compared to worrying about whether we will have something to eat for dinner, or where tf are we gonna get money to pay for our elec and water bills, who can help take over with car...... reply