I'm not even surprised because some of my fellow countrymen act braindead on the internet, the hate isn't undeserved. Also talk to me about racism towards indians when y'all stop calling north easterners chinese dog eaters and stop fetishising northern/Kashmiri/pahari women. I cannot post one picture on the the internet without indian men talking a......
2 reply
True there’s a lot of infighting in the country and frankly some of us DO suck but I don’t think the racism is “deserved”. I can’t talk in my own damn language without some fucker commenting “dosa idly”. I get called racist slurs. I don’t think we should think that it’s deserved or ok because it includes you too. Stop distancing yourself from this situation, when somebody not Indian says “India needs a holocaust” they don’t mean all the awful people who say and do awful things, they mean ALL of us.
Do you think "an indian holocaust" will actually happen or something, also sorry but the dosa idly bullshit is your avg north indian reaction to seeing any south indian content, you have no idea how much hate and racism against Indians is actually perpetrated by Indians themselves.
I’m well aware. And no I don’t think an actual holocaust will happen. I’m saying people shouldn’t be able to say that shit and get away with it.
People get away with saying a lot of stuff online, i don't think you can do anything about that. Honestly maybe I'm in different parts of the internet but most westerners I've met have been very respectful of my ethnicity, you probably see this type of shit on instagram because people there are competing with hitler. Just get your friends to mass report them. Also I wrote all of this after pulling an all nighter and was informed at 4 am in the morning that i need to go shovel snow outside my door, my mood was shit and now that I'm rereading my og comment it actually sounds stupid asf. apologising won't fix things but feel free to block me lmao
Nah you’re good dw
im not trying to downplay ur experience or anything (similar things have happened to me) but atp its not even hate towards india specifically. theyve made it hatred towards all of the ethnicities in india.
ive seen so many reels where racist garbage is being spewed towards indian WOMEN. not just that but if theres an indian who was born and raised in the uk or america i still see comments talking about dirty indian, the smell etc. like atp its just racism, not even hatred towards indian men. im not saying indian men are angels (i hate most of them too) but its far crossed the line where it was considered "deserved".
How is any of this new? This kind of racism has been going around since the 90s when a large amount of Indians immigrated to the west especially to work in the IT sector, white people didn't like that because how dare some subhuman from a third world country steal their jobs (and is actually smarter than them despite being educated with lesser resources), I'm pretty sure this sort of racism had to be faced by our chinese neighbours too, not saying that this makes this situation any better but the internet hate you see is not someone new or that the newer generation is slowly shifting towards fascism, they're more vocal on the internet because they can hide behind the veil of anonymity. Also this isn't even endemic to the west, Indians in my their own country use this sort of "stealing jobs and real estate" mindset to discriminate against their own people from different regions. You say that indians are called smelly and dirty but I've seen indians call their own people from different states "sluts" "pimps", also indians who complain about racism in the west never speak up about the racism in their own country. I'm kinda tired of Indians living in india complain about some made up racism that won't really affect them much unless they immigrate, and be ignorant of the discrimination going around in their own country
again im not saying any of this is new, but it is far more normalized and widespread online than it was a few years ago. "im kinda tired of indians living in india complain about some made up racism that wont really affect them much unless they immigrate"... yeah unless they immigrate. my parents are immigrants to the west which is why i talked about that. ive dealt with much discrimination because of my race. ive seen my friends get called slurs, bullied, and assaulted for being indian. the whole reason this thing started out was because westerners decided it would be funny to start being racist again, which is why im talking about how indians in the west get affected by it. whether or not u have seen it, getting harassed irl for being indian in the west has increased in recent months. ofc most indians living in india arent affected by it as much because they dont live in a western country where this stuff is increasingly becoming normalized.
to reiterate, im not saying india is perfect or even moral, idk why u spent half of ur essay talking about that. im not arguing with u on that front, but that sort of thing is common in many cultures. yes indians are racist towards each other, so are pakistanis, so are chinese, so are nigerians, etc. i wont deny that. ive spent my whole life being called too dark for marriage by relatives, even if theyre 5 shades darker than me. my parents are from different states so they regularly call each other pimps and whores from their states whenever they get into an argument. whenever my relatives meet a fellow indian the first thing they do is ask them what state theyre from to determine if theyre "good enough" to be friends with them. i havent faced the full brunt of the issues present in india but i have seen that many many indian immigrants are extremely racist towards both each other and other races.
but why does that justify racism in turn? when u try to fight racism with racism you're not helping anything in the long run, thats just how the cycle of violence continues. is it the fault of some random indian talking online that their society is racist classist and sexist amongst many other things? yes ur countrymen should take the time to judge their own actions, but why is it that when racism gets brought up ur quick to talk about how its deserved? i get ur very disillusioned with the state of ur country but that does not justify racism.
I'm not saying any of this justifies it, i just hate how Indians will always point fingers at others and be willfully ignorant of their own problems. I have NEVER seen any Indian even speak up about any of grueling discrimination that goes in our country but they are all very eager to complain about racism abroad. That's what my issue is. Especially with indians living in india. Maybe I wrote the deserved part in a fit of anger, racism isn't justified in any scenario and I get that.