To poof
I was gonna unblock you and give you a chance to explain ur side but since I'm blocked too I can't, I never said you gave out personal information I said you gave information to Dan (the sc) that could put HJ and anyone associated with the nigga in danger (because it's alleged proof that he's not lying about who he says he is and Dan is a fucking stalker and a creep who's been harassing HJ ON mgg) which is why I blocked you cause if you did that you're a fucked up person i already told HJ I didn't condone him sharing the name or him even TRYING to send "proof" and that I wasn't going to defend him anymore I also unfollowed Raine because I didn't even wanna be associated with this shit I'm pissed at THE BOTH OF YOU and disappointed in THE BOTH OF YOU y'all both need to move TF on and leave each other TF alone stop making snarky little remarks about that nigga and making it seem like he's not allowed on mgg just because YOU don't like him we're all grown are we not? Like do you not have someone you don't like that you have to see everyday whether that be at work or at school? Do you condone those ppl getting stalked and harassed too? Do you condone them being in danger too? Do you bully them out of your school or your work place too? Think about that shit like really fucking think and sit on it and then tell me I don't have the right to block and be upset with you? (IF YOU ACTUALLY DID WHAT I WAS TOLD YOU DID)
It seems like @Poof isnt aware that the stalker went on to stalk HJ's friends on FB and few of those friends being a minor. One of those friends who used HJ's cat as a pfp once might get accused as being who HJ irl is. With how mggo users are, she will definitely get harassed and stalked.
We literally told them to stay away from the stalker and what did they do? encourage them more. Calling us "insane" for worrying about other users and spreading awareness... privately. Wheres the morals here? its not about that HJ was careless or wtv, someone can share their full face here and any sane person will not try to find the source of it like maybe do reverse image search but if they dont find anything. Leave it alone.
It's been like 24 hours why are we still bringing this up?
i feel bad for th 14yo he stalked :(