do these people that come to vent on forum or ragebait people not have a job?? like u jst logged in on a gay porn manga website to post abt ur drama and ask for attention from strangers online???
I understand why people vent, it's because they need an outlet and don't have anyone to talk to about their problems (doesn't make it less annoying though) . Idk about ragebaiters though they just have psychological issues they need to work on 1 reply
What I don’t understand is why do people have a problem when people vent on here like yes I understand the ragebait part but when it comes to venting sometimes people don’t have anywhere else to go and like it’s your choice to read it or not like you really don’t have to pay attention to it Like, why does it bother you? 2 reply
on ragebait part yeah i do, i come here, logged in, and just spill everything that might spark some people and get bait. Because im attention whore reply