Should I give this guy one more chance
Ok so I was talking to this guy for a week or so and everything was going fine and I think I really started to like him (this is my first time talking to a guy btw) but literally out of nowhere he asked for nudes and before this there was some other red flags like him saying I love you 6 days into talking and idk he was just like to good at talking to me like he’s talked to a lot of girls before even tho the people who introduced us to each other said that he wasn’t like a play boy and that he hasn’t talked to a lot of girls before anyway I was to scared to give him my number bc I have strict parents so we were talking on discord so I just blocked him after he asked but literally RIGHT after I blocked him he made another account that literally said “(my name) pleaseeeee” like boy you couldn’t even say sorry anywayI want to know your guys opinion if I should give him another chance bc yes I hate the fact that he asked for nudes but he is a teen boy (I’m a teen girl please don’t misunderstand no diddy is happening here
) and I really enjoyed talking to him we joked and laughed a lot together and just really clicked plus my cousin who has talked to a lot of boys before and she said it’s normal for guys to ask that a week in and even her ex asked her for that apparently a week in and I mean to be fair they did almost last year together and her now boyfriend apparently also asked her for something, but they are pretty toxic like she did cheat a few times with her ex and I’m pretty sure he’s also cheating on her and they did break up a few times
but idk should I just leave it alone or maybe just stay friends?
coming from someone whos also a teenage girl in highschool himegirl LEAVE HIM you are so mich better off without him he's only going to bring toxic energy around you and make you genuinely miserable if you continue to pursue any sort of relationship with him for the love of god BLOXK HIM
22 hours