this website is overrun with revenge p*rn, and nobody cares
ok so this is gonna get political, sorry about that, but i just need to know if i'm going insane. (i know i need to get off this website, it is unfortunately a bit of an addiction). let me crash out for a minute.
i have felt for a while now that more and more of the stories on the front page and in general on here are getting worse, it's full of revenge porn, harmful ideas about romance, abuse, sexism, toxicity... and i know that these things have always been there, men have always written stories and they have always been bad, but why are these things everywhere now? why are they never tagged, hardly anyone seems to point them out to warn people and most are just running with it like it's normal?? this is a predominantly female website, why does every second story you find on here have some sort of pro-rape-retoric and sexist undertones? those revenge-porn stories that were clearly written by miserable men are always a jumpscare when i open the website, but at least with those covers i'm not going to accidentally click on it and expect a wholesome story. but why did i just find a comedic shoujo about sex-slavery?? like straight up, i wish i was joking. the normalisation of these ideas is honestly scaring me, who is benefitting off of young girls being desensitized to rape and sex-trafficking?? ... i really wonder.
not sure if most of y'all are too young to remember but toxic yaoi used to be the outlier, not the norm, you know? nowadays, people are celebrating when they managed to find one normal story where the male lead doesn't have 1451 red flags. just like pinterest is overrun with ai, mangago is overrun with revenge porn, somehow catered towards young girls and women.
i do not think it is a coincidence, that in times of rising fascism and women's rights being taken away, stories that serve an "anti-woke" agenda get pushed by the algorithm and are widely accepted as the new normal.
what do you think?
"Toxic yaoi used to be the outlier"
How old are you that you think that's the case
2 reply
4 days