Lacey Fletcher case
I don’t wanna traumatize anyone or bring anyone’s mood down, but I just gotta say something because tonight I heard about this case. And it made me feel ill. I wanted to vomit.
I don’t know, I usually am pretty apathetic towards horrible things…very horrible things. But random cases just really get to me. And this is one that did.
I just feel so sad for that poor girl. Rotting away on a couch for 12 years. And her parents are vile. Disgusting. They neglected their daughter to such a horrific degree, how could someone be so indifferent? Could be so careless? It had to be out of pure spite.
Her case and hearing the graphic details…it just made me sick and feel awful. I can’t imagine how horrible that must’ve been for her :(
when I heard of that case it made me so angry, 12 YEARS in same spot. I had to get up and walk around my house, like they didn't even care for her as a HUMAN.
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10 hours