Manipulative Bullying
Do you know what's scarier than open bullying? It's manipulative Bullying, where the victim doesn't know whether they are the laughing stock or not, the manipulative first makes you think they are your friend then slowly they make you a clown to everyone without your knowledge, from then on hell begins, so many confusions and guilty of thinking maybe, maybe your friend is the one at fault but then they gaslight you and make you miserable. They know what time would you be thinking of ending or moving to another friend group, at the right time they would stop it. They will talk normally to you, but the moment you are with another one they will start their conversation by making fun of you , no matter what you talk or say, everything will be made fun of , even if you don't talk at all, as your are the entertainment for them. There's no escape. You will only getting confused. But the thing is the victim can't really say much as the others only laugh at their joke made of you, when you really make a joke or say something against them, they all just start defending them or there be only silence. Is this not hell? Is that how friends are? I know she doesn't have a friend and she keeps telling me that's no one is there when I am gone, but she do not treat me like a actual friend, if she says no one talks with her when I am gone, then why she keeping calling others and go to others or when sitting with other , she makes fun of me. How can I get out of this. I try to be nice , they won't stop no matter what I do. Silent or not. They have to keep me like a clown and stupid. I hate it. She keeps me beside her so she can talk with others. I already knew the truth but still I want to have friends. especially they won't like it if you talk back, they will start making it like what you are saying is rude, make you a think your are a bitch. Others just love to defend them, even if I don't talk to them, when I talk back to her comments the other person beside her starts making fun of me. Like why? Because I am ugly , fat and a stupid navie who cant say anything right?
This is literally your everyday bullying in privet catholic school dawg only read a bit but this is literally our daily bully's in our school and we already know how to deal w them on our own the most troublesome ones are lowkey js the ones who low-key don't gaf about there consequences and you literally have an entire social war the thing you pro......
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23 days