Bruh of course people will fake their name. Do you actually give out your real name in a place like this?
Also if the pics were stolen then who was I talking to on a video call earlier?
(PS: I promise I didn't forget to take my schizo pills look at the ss /j)

and guess whos banned off the site
Damn bro. Who did you steal that one from?
nigga im black and have never said i was filipina and im a male. One of his works was the last thing i was reading before i deleted my main account and i followed more users. and oh? you stalked my profile when it was new? how so not obsessed of you but bye lol talk to the wall. I always liked certain users anyways but i havent seen them in forums lately like ridora and kozue who ik are black like me
LMAO b*tch did you forget you're supposed to be some filipina and not someone who can throw n* slurs around?
The first thing you did on your account was follow Hajun and one of his lists. The only person in your following list for the first few days your acc existed was Hajun. Then you commented on one of his dead questions. Then you followed more popular translators to make it look less suspicious. No newbie would follow a nobody like Hajun on the first day they created their acc.
why does it matter you if he lied or not hajun just a rando nigga active af in forums. but ykw?? this aint worth my time even be delusional yourself cus dgaf anymore only his friends are upset at you.
im aware my name has been shiki before but isnt his bf named "Nishii"? i just took this name from a manga ive read. Youre not getting your facts correct but youre accusing him??
Nah your name was shiki, the name of Hajun's "dead" bf. You think no one saw you change your name? You think I'm blind or some sh*t? You're not some random person who just walked into this.
who in the hell is candy but im defending hajun because ive seen through how weirdly obsessed yall are and its so pissing off. my names raine atleast get it right stupid.
Tell Hajunie I'll be waiting. Ok, candy?
Thabk yiu for your actions deae user @Pat hajun didnt deserve any of that and i got to realease some anger thanks to this