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I think sexuality in today’s society is about being open and being curious. However, I do believe that nature and nurture have a big impact on our development especially during our adolescence and young adulthood. I believe that people are born the way they are and other get influenced by their environment. Is that bad? No of course not. Sexualit......   reply
09 06,2020
Yea totally. I personal think it's all about what you yourself defines what you are, because sometimes labels can be restricting or inaccurate. (Hopefully?) No one is saying that once you come out you can't change your labels or whatever, we're all trying to figure ourselves out. A lot of us are shaped by experience, and sometimes we only figure ou......   reply
19 06,2020
I feel like the more learn about certain aspects of just life in general the more you start to learn about yourself. To me I think it’s like finding pieces of a puzzle. And of course you can end up finding pieces of you puzzle that isn’t yours but it’s all apart of process of self discovery.   reply
09 06,2020
I think yes and no. On one hand as you grow older and learn new things your sexuality can definitely grow with you. People usually start out thinking their straight because they're taught that's the norm. But as they grow they learn that being straight isn't the only option, they meet people that they're attracted to that don't quite fit the norm.......   reply
09 06,2020
Yes. I 100% believe this, especially as a " child " myself. Now, im 13. I watch a lot of TV and such, along with my 8 year old little brother. As a 13 year old child, i naturally watch a lot of shows that have females in them and female songs. And recently, a lot of those shows have been pushing a lot of gay things towards the child audience. It do......   reply
09 06,2020
I think that sexuality is completely biological but i can change over time, but it does not change over time with experiences it changes just randomly and not even that much just like you can go from gay to bi but not gay to straight. I also believe that sexuality is a spectrum and most people are not 100% gay or straight but there are a few that r......   1 reply
08 06,2020

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