Is it possible to make friends here?
Its such a desperate move to try and make friends on MANGAGO. LMAO. but that's what the internet is there for. To hide your true identity and to be stupid. I have friends irl but they're more just people I stick around with at school. Most of my time is spent either on mangago or on youtube and sometimes dare I say on character ai. Lmfao. I've always wanted to make online friends but everytime I try, i either get ghosted or we just don't vibe. Besides, how EXACTLY are you supposed to even make friends? I tried on discord and almost EVERYONE is racist there. Maybe it's because I've just been joining random servers... lol. dont get me started on instagram... So why not give my um.. not so... mainstream manga reading website a shot?.. so here goes nothing. My Instagram is: green_flag_69. This is so stupid but it's also kinda really funny. :33
make friends anywhere but mgg
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24 days