What work do you think would be more popular if it had a different art style?
I mean, we all know about works with AMAZING art styles that are really popular because of said styles. I was wondering if anybody had some works they think would reach mainstream or just be vastly more popular in their niche if their art style was changed from a generic/unconventional one to one to something else.
Personally, I think The Events of Romeo's Household/Come on out, Romeo would be a LOT more popular if the style was similar to The Princess is a Marionette or Roxana. It's actually pretty well written after you get past the confusing stage of the first few chapters (It's meant to be at first since it's a mystery webtoon trying to make you have an "OHHHH" moment later on), and I LOVE the current style, it's just very misleading.
The cuter style and bright colours makes it seem like initially, it's going to be a very light-hearted and cute re-telling of Romeo and Juliet, when it's anything but. It actually leans more heavily towards drama and mystery, and there's no romance, apart from a side couple.
That's why I think it's not more popular. I think all the readers that flocked to it were romance readers, got no romance, and so didn't rate it well and dropped it, and people who like mystery and drama don't bother giving it a chance because the art style makes you think it's a romance. It just can't find its audience because of its artstyle. A more "mature" style and a darker art direction for the cover would've attracted the intended audience a lot more, I think.
Anyway, I recommend that one, and I'm eager to hear other thoughts!
the bulk of harlequin manhwa uploaded here would have hundreds if not thousands of fans if the arstyle had as you say the Roxana treatment. Most of the isekai, historical rofan, or just pure historical romance are heavily influenced by bodice-ripping regency romance of the early 80s to late 2010s. The cheap paperpacks wine moms used to sneakily rea......
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