Alien Stage and exams
Yes, again! Alien Stage again! Because no, I'm watching Alien Stage everyday and I'm also crying and being delusional- There is a Ruler of my heart but IvanTill version on YouTube and why does it suit them so much? I'm in pain! I would probably give up my life if it meant they could be alive because ohmygod, why? Just why? Ugh, Vivinos also killed my Diva recently and no, they are all gonna die. I should stop being delusional, the happy life doesn't suit me- Studying to distract myself seems like a good idea- Anyways, who else is fucked for their exams? Because there are only 7 days left and I haven't studied a thing except one subject- Lmao
Have you seen the fanmade Ruler of my Heart MiziSua animatic?
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20 hours