Am i horrible friend?

Yayaya Yayaya 2025-03-02 10:58:09 About question
Since I have no one to talk this about I might as well just say it here so y'all am I a horrible friend because I used to have this friend were closed we've been friends since like 6th grade but ever since this new girl transfer to our class(let's call her melon) I always feel so left out and we don't really hang out a lot anymore also just found out from someone that she have a bf and the first one that she told was melon I mean hey it's not really a big of a problem but there's also times when I try to talk to her she's always on a horrible mood even though I didn't do anything also when the teachers would say pair yourself into two she would always choose me back then but now that melons right there she would just look at me and laugh and just shrugs it off I mean I don't have any problem with her being friends with melon cuz y'know she's nice(melon) but it just feels like idk what it feels like


kbae.x March 2, 2025 3:58 pm

Everything you just described tells me she's the one being a horrible friend she basically ditched you? I had that happening and honestly I never did anything wrong it seems like you didn't do anything wrong either, some people are just like that without any reason they leave you doesn't have to be you done something wrong. I was the funny one out of the group, trios never work because then they become more besties in duos and leave the first friend in my instance I introduced her to the new friend but she took it as welp I don't need you anymore, I understand how you feel this is the sign where you get a new friend since she doesn't bother having you in company/hanging out

meownnira March 2, 2025 12:25 pm

First of all, you should try and think back on what you might have done wrong. It doesnt have to be a horrible thing, just something that your friend might find annoying, or bothersome. If there's really nothing you did, and you know you've done nothing to make her treat you that way, you should try to communicate with her. Ask her what's wrong, and tell her how you feel maybe. If not then idk maybe she just changed? I'm not sure if this helped or not but if you need a new friend, you can always talk to me :,)


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