i need advice for not making people be uncomfortable around me
so basically, i think i might loose a friendship from someone i care about and don't wanna lose because i make them feel uncomfortable
i know that i make them feel uncomfortable, and thats the weird part. whenever i know i just said something that makes them uncomfortable, i apologize over and over again but i know that they think that I'm just kidding about it and don't really take my apology for being weird and making them uncomfortable. i don't really properly know how to stop since the words really just slip out of my mouth. it's mostly the things i say, honestly. i really want to change, but they'll just don't like me either way. in general, i really just need advice on how to stop making people feel uncomfortable and how to adapt to stop making people like my friends feel uncomfortable when they are around me
Maybe you two aren't very compatible if they are overly sensitive to your weirdness. If everyone is uncomfortable around you all the time tho, then you need to learn to shut the fuck up and act more normal. reply