Manga on Mangago?
I remember a long time ago a what you call a "purist" user complained about the webtoons on Mggo. They said that soon enough it would be impossible to read manga on the website as the contents would be overflowed with webtoons. At the time I thought of their comment as exaggerated but after spending 10+ years on Mggo, now I have to agree. When I started Mggo, webtoons were not yet a thing and one could easily find manga. Moreover, the main page offered only or mostly manga on its various lists. Now, in order to read it, whatever the genre, I need to go to the search option and disable webtoons (and even then, still I'll get webtoons with the manga). Not entering into the debate which one is better - I prefer manga and for good reasons but that's another topic alltogether - the point is that manga is not visible any more on Mggo. We're overflowed with webtoons, here, and any other manga website for that matter.
My question is: What do you think, should the two groups be separated on Mggo? Like, we could still have it all in this website but under two different categories? Or should the things stay as they are? Or should webtoons be altogether taken down from Mggo? I would like to hear what you think and I would like to hear your reasons.
Bro just use tags
Using genres to find stuff is stupid and useless
8 days