What would you do?
So, imagine you have a online boyfriend for 2 years and you're planning to meet him soon but the problem is, the boyfriend is nice, okey? However, you like to read bl/gl and this person had a huge problem with you reading, "Naked boys" and "Men having sex". This was it in the beginning but recently, he said, "A person liking the same gender has a disease in the head." And they also posted a reel to their story with the context: If a LGBTQ Pride parade was going on and they were flying a plane, they would crash that plane into the parade. Not only that, he has a problem with women wearing short clothes because ohmygod, that suggests, "They're asking for it." Even though you and your sister explained and proved him with various examples that clothes doesn't have anything to do with rape and whatnot. Your future plans are also different from him but you want to spend your whole life together and he wants the same thing.
He likes marvels but you don't like it. However, you still watched Marvels for his happiness which isn't a big deal except the fact he can't accept your tastes.
He says, "Oh, men do this, men are the ones going to army and protecting the country while the women did nothing in the past." Which you accept but he doesn't want to face the fact that women also faced hell in the past.
He thinks a fetus is a living being and it shouldn't be aborted just because
This isn't about me, it's about my sister. In the end, what would you do if you were in my sister's place? She still loves him, lol-
online and real life are totally different. being with someone in person on a day to day basis can inform a lot. if this is his behavior online now, which is absolute red flag yuck, and this is the best he has to offer before even meeting, guess what? he must be even worse in person.
look, she feels she is in love. it's called endorphins and it ma......
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15 days