feeling lost at 19-20
I’m unsure of what to do, where to go, or what field to go into. I don’t know how I’m actually supposed to get a job.
I did a year of General Arts at a community college, where you take a bit of everything to see what works for you, but nothing felt right. I didn’t feel particularly inspired or drawn to anything. Then I went abroad for four months and did an internship at a bakery because I like hands-on work that’s flexible. Even though it can feel like a chore sometimes, I still find it fun.
I feel like I can picture myself doing some jobs in the future, but right now, I still feel lost and unsure of what my next steps should be. University feels like a waste of time to me because, as someone who doesn’t want to go into teaching, medicine, or anything that requires six years of school, I don’t really see the point. Especially since I’m so unsure, picking something just to do it feels like a waste.
My mindset has always been to just go with the flow—things will come to me when they’re meant to. But sometimes, having no structure is tough, and I can’t help but compare my life to others, even though I know comparison is the thief of joy.
Right now, I’m just trying to land a part-time or full-time job, spend as much time as I can with my family, and appreciate life as it is in this moment. But the future does scare me a little—it makes me anxious.
Sometimes, people comment under my posts saying I shouldn’t ask this kind of question here, but I’m not really expecting answers or anything. It just feels kinda funny to put my feelings out here, especially since I know why most people use this website. It makes me giggle a little.
Hopefully anyone who's going through this too can find some comfort in knowing their not alone.
Just be your own boss. Start your own business. Or at least work toward that goal. No one wants to be someone else's employee for the rest of their life. GL
so usually at this age youre not supposed to have everything figured out a lot of young adults feel as if they’re lacking or need to be far ahead in life and thats not true at all i promise at this age you should be discovering what you like and what makes sense for you do not feel rushed! i actually went through a period of time where i wasn't sure what i wanted to do i always thought i would go into medicine maybe nursing but after a lot of thought im majoring in radiology even then i still question my decision but i find comfort in knowing that im not running out of time