Why is this thing not letting me add my own tags. Like, let me add them, please. When I was using mangago on another device, I could change and add tags easily so, what is the problem?

And why are these pics adding themselves like, I didn't add you, I even deleted you from my gallary, please go back! I don't need you to be human:/. Whenever I want to add new pics, these are always added, plus the new ones

I'm tired of this thing happening everytime I try to do something
Same, I can't make my own tags on two of my phones and my tablet; I can only do it when I'm on my laptop.
I thought I saved a thread specifically about this but I can't find it in my favorites . Essentially, the person suggested a keyboard app but I don't remember the name of it.
^^^ for adding tags not the photo thing
I heard clearing your cache will help with the photo thing.
I'm still stuck:///
Hey, I changed my keyboard but it's still not happening
Sorry. I don't have any other suggestions
Atleast, I got a cute keyboard out of it
So sorry! If I ever find the thread with the app name, I'll send it to you
No, you don't need to say sorry! I'm sorry for bothering you and thanks for the help!:D
Wasn't a bother at all!