Personal Thought about ORV's LA trailers
First of all, I AM MAD. If you are a reader, be it the novel's, manhwa's, especially BOTH, then I don't need to say anything. If you're not, the closest I can think of for the reason atm is, 'imagine Harry Potter movies without magic— i'ts just like that', you get why I am mad right?
And it's not just me, many people was protesting this (how do you think ORV can be this well-known? The fanbase is GIGANTIC), and as I was scrollong the comments in a certain social media, a passing thought came by and has been renting-free in my mind for a while now. In order to collect the dues, I have the need to share it.
Let's talk about the obvious flaw that shown in the trailer, yup. Lee Ji-hye.
Don't you think they are too bold in changing her chara? Too bold is an understatement. BRAZEN— they changed her CORE parts. Really, they did Jihye so dirty like, if I remember correctly, she never once used gun; hell, she was chosen by her Constellation because of her swordmanship— you can't separate Jih-ye and the sword. You get them both or NOT AT ALL.
They should knew but they still went and changed it, cause y'know what?— THIS is what the stowaway in my mind is about— it is because the one who played her, JISOO.
They know her fame, knew how many love her ALL around the world, so however dirty they did to Ji-hye, she was played by JISOO; they would probably like: yeah many would protest first but it would die down cause, how could they hate JISOO? They would come around, accept it, and watch in the end, so it is fine— THE AUDACITY.
I am not hating JISOO, but that's how I see it. Believe me, if it were another artist, many would hate whoever that is and would be done unthinkable to terrorizing them, not to mention the blind fanatism of k-citizen that often reported; many victims occured because of these bullying (may them rest in piece) but they confident in JISOO— PUH-LEASE, she was internationally famous and no one dare to critize her because 'it's not her fault— she just did what the director said and etc. etc.'
And y'know what? They might be right. I've got the feeling it will be what they predicted. Many would come around and would watch it in the end. The protest just hyped in the beginning and later IMDb for this LA would be more than 9.0— that's just the human nature. THIS always happened— temporary outburst.
Eng is not my first language so excuse the errors and thank you for reading this. I just want to put my mind
I personally don't care if 'it is just a trailer'— showing the gun alone is a disgrace and TO THINK THE RELEASE IT ON KDJ BIRTHDAY, THE NERVE!
Really, they should make it an original movie at this point. Don't drag ORV into this madness. Fucking money-grubbers.
Realll!!!! It's like they didn't read the novel smh
And I heard the shimsong, the director perhaps?— dunno whatever he is, but def someone important, had the gall to say he read the webtoon and hope the orv fan support the LA— excuse meeee? What bs are u talking about??? Really make my blood boil.
No way they read the novel! Cuz if they did, they wouldn't fumble so badly Man they should've just made a new story and left ORV alone if they're going to change it much to the point that a lot of important parts are disregarded. They should've just used orv as reference or something
It's clear that their main objective is to gain huge profit.