Alien Stage Ivan
Why do people hate Ivan so much? Or say "He's toxic so, you shouldn't like him." How exactly is he toxic? He did everything in his power to make his beloved win because he can't live without him but people are like, "Oh, he is a red flag." From which angle? If he is a red flag, then why do you like Luka? You'll be like, "Oh, he did that to survive." So what? Did he also kill Hyuna's brother to survive? Ivan also wanted to live, lol. Is it because he likes a guy or he could've beaten up your beloved Luka? "Experience also plays a role, if they had a different life, Luka wouldn't have done that." You should also say, "Oh, this only applies to Luka." Because Ivan or the others not knowing the meaning of a kiss is not enough to make you think he isn't a red flag.
Some idiots be like, "Till cheated, that's why he couldn't have won in Round Finale against Luka, he is far more talented than Till." Oh my god, Luka using others cherished ones is justified but Till "cheating" isn't reasonable? Make it make sense. Till also wanted to survive, he was only 21. This is the reason why I dislike Luka even though I loved his character in the beginning. Why do people do this?
There are many bl readers here so, I just want to ask, if there are any Ivan haters present, please tell me why do you hate him except the reason, "He is toxic."
If you think, "Oh, why do you care so much? He is just a fictional character?" Yes, but I love him and I can't study properly without knowing the reason now.
I've never met any Ivan haters so far, but ahem.... If you hate Ivan, you're a red flag. Ivan? Toxic? Maybe YOU are the toxic one. And moreover, they all grew up in a 'survival of the fittest' environment and were never taught any morals or emotions. HELL, IVAN LITERALLY LIVED IN A SLUM BEFORE HE GOT AUCTIONED OFF TO UNSHA. HE FELL IN LOVE WITH TIL......
3 reply
17 02,2025
Dude some people just hating to hate, Ivan and Luka are both my goats and idgaf what some stinky twt ho thinks
3 reply
17 02,2025
People take pieces of fiction wayyyy too seriously. Like, the alien stage fandom seems full of elitism.
Like yeah, Ivan is a grey character, but some people portray him like he is a predator for the round 6 kiss as if he knows what a kiss even means as a child who was raised in alien captivity and groomed to only know how to sing and perform.
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17 02,2025
what side of twt are you on bc i never see anyone hate on ivan
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17 02,2025
You're just in the wrong side of the internet, most people love Ivan and Till, there's only like 10% of the whole fandom that even talks about this because they glorify them so much. And also, regarding Till he IS cheating like, technicality wise compared to Luka because he changed the song rendering his opponent to be unable to fight AT ALL. Meanw......
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17 02,2025
Luka and Ivan are ARTIFICIAL humans
They both feel disconnected to humanity and emotions and both have THAT person whom when they’re around them, they feel like humans. Its confirmed that they’re very similar
We need to remember that Luka participated in ALNST before. He has this HUGE die hard fanbase, there’s no losing for him. Literally l......
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17 02,2025
im not really into ailenstage so i can only say very little. ivan kissed till without consent which made me annoyed since all the fans kept romanticizing acting like it wasn't wrong. yes, he might've not understand it was a wrong thing to do but its still not right. same with luka, he might've accidentally killed hyunwoo and of course it's wrong. i......
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17 02,2025
I never want to watch ALNST because I might cry or sob, but I'm so glad that I'm only seeing fans who actually loves Ivan, funny how people who hate Ivan might get swarmed by his fans fr fr
+I like him so I'll bash anyone who talks shit about em
1 reply
17 02,2025
I actually like Luka so much because oh my god, he is such a pookie pie but people are so biased. Including the earlier stated reasons, I've also read comments hating Ivan because he likes a guy while simping for Luka, lol
17 02,2025