Dropped so many...

Mega_Trap Mega_Trap 2020-06-05 05:20:48 About dropped a manga or webtoon
Dropped so many manga simply because of plot! Art idc about but dumb plot kills me! Simplified Pervert Romance I dropped after the first 5 pages cause of how dumb the explanation was for his "kink." Cherry Blossoms after Spring...Haebom is my cinnamon roll but the whole "I never talked to you cause of what happened when we were young"thing is just profound?! Like y'all lived in that house for years and never brought it up? Just dumb plot smh. Also the sex is just awkward af honey. I get second embaressment so easily and its painful to read a majority of manga where they "get caught" in the act Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

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