I've definitely had indescribable and unimaginable (and I use those words literally) dreams that I still think of because they were so vivid and bat shit crazy I question my own sanity. My question is; what is the most vivid dream you remember from childhood? It doesn't have to be weird, sad or scary I just want a dream that you still remember clearly even now.
there are three really unusual dreams for me:
1. i dreamed i was in like, a shore? idk but i was alone, watching the sea--to be exact, i was watching a ship sinking. the ship was sinking sideways. i couldnt really remember when my dream happened tho. anyway, i felt it was weird, bc no one evacuate and they weren't even far from the shore. i rememb...... reply
Yeah my dreams are batshit crazy too. I wonder if it's because i fell and hit my forehead on a parking log when I was little....
The most vivid one I remember is my family going on some road trip to a camp, and I met my aunt as well as my grandparents from both sides despite knowing that my grandparents from my father's side had already passed away...... reply
Most of my dreams are about killing. This one gives me a different vibe, its unusual. The world is in a survival world but with factions. Every child must go to a school or a association where they must be tested for their life. Everyone must achieve points higher cuz if its lower than everybody else your parents will die or suffer. The president o...... 1 reply
I had a dream on Friday August 23, I was walking along the street with some friends and I go to check my phone. I checked messenger and it was some guy that went by jin yung min. The text said" you know we have work to do so grab the stuff" then I magically appear in a room with this tall handsome guy, he looks at me and puts out hand" give me the ...... reply