I feel like if i see any pro shipper shipping one of my child characters with one of my adult characters id have such a big mental breakdown i wouldn't be allowed outside anymore...
Of all the times I’ve had my OCs…I have NEVER once sexualized them or drawn them in a NSFW manner. (I have a few for the purpose of drawing NSFW but they ain’t a part of the main storyline) so if I see ppl drawing NSFW art of my OCs…I DONT THINK I CAN HANDLE IT MAN T-T reply
Yah, probably. I have no one to talk to about them except one friend haha
Ships and headcanons and fanart are fun for me from a fan perspective so I don't see why it wouldn't be fun with my OCs. I'd probably get annoyed by ooc stuff the same way I get annoyed now when they're not even my characters, but it's whatever, really. reply