Am I in the wrong???
Am I in the wrong because I hate it when one of my friend would literally look at me with disgust on their face just because I made an unfunny joke key word "unfunny" and no I don't make jokes about or any other thing that's like serious but just those jokes that don't make sense like she be looking at me with disgust on her face as if I murdered someone and there's this one time where she jokes about me getting rape and I got mad at her then she literally look at me with disgust for no fking reason then she goes on and tell one of my friends that I got mad because I said no to "fcking" her even tho that did not happen and note I'm a girl(a bisexual one) then my friend let's call her melon just looks at her weirdly because even melon couldn't understand what she meant by that she also chokes me as a joke one time and it hurts so I punch her hand and kick her she then got mad at me for no reason again she also sometimes would touch some of the girls private area for "jokes"
Nah you’re not in the wrong, that girl is a massive red flag, like jokes and the touching without consent is really worrisome, stay away
Sounds like she is just mad about you not going along with her disgusting jokes, pls don’t be friends with this sort of creep, you might think is not a big deal, but once you’re older you’ll realize how f* up her behaviour is, i repeat, stay away, and talk to an adult if she ever does anything to you
How old are you guys??? This is assault both sexual and physical you need to get police involved if you’re under 13 tell her parents and trusted adults about what she does and don’t stop bringing attention to it until she stops.
checked the account they in highschool
Yeah they need to get police involved. Ts is classic “im gonna spiral and hurt people in the future” behavior it needs to be addressed properly
Dw I already unfriended her and threatened her that if she keeps on doing what she does I'm gonna tell her father about the fact that she's seeing a guy(she has a strict fam so yeah)