Guys my heart is hurting really bad right now Like someone is literally pinching it And this isn't the first time this has happened it's been going on since I was 10 but it's been getting a lot Worster lately to the Point it's really painful And I'm kind of scared because heart problems and heart attacks are common in my family And a lot of them have died from it and even my dad had one Like he had one in his 20s And I'm honestly kind of scared Like not about the dying part But about the pain part And I can't really go to a doctor because I'm a Minor And I need to go with my parents but They saying I'm being overdramatic And not to say such things And I know it doesn't have anything to do with my weight bc i'm 170cm and 128 pounds And I eat pretty normally so The only other thing it can be is Having heart problems so like chat am i cooked...
You really need to go to a hospital Its better to be dramatic than dead. Especially with that family history your parents aren’t being responsible enough. reply