What’s the most underrated country in your opnion?
I know people will disagree with this one because it's popular, but I think it's India. I remember this YouTuber saying, 'Woo me, I was going to enjoy my trip to Japan, but here I am going to India for the memes and having a miserable time.' I was like, are you serious? India is such a beautiful place! Sure, the country has its own problems, but that doesn’t change the fact that its nature is absolutely stunning, and the historic buildings are incredible and its culture is beautiful like thier clothing, colors everything. Visiting India is my dream. Honestly, I’m so tired of people with their typical answer Japan this Japan that, like sure japan is a beautiful country but maybe Expand your palette?
Want to go to china, ppl (mostly americans) are so racist towards that country but when i saw their architecture and diverse climates i seriously wanna visit it someday
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20 01,2025