Racist Old man and AI art
Boi this fat old man came up to me and then in English asked what I do and of course I said a freelance artist and he asked "how's the job going?" I was like "good" then he proceeds to tell me "you know you should try a different occupation because those AI machines do a better job nowadays"
Like this old man bothered me, asked my job and his hateful soul had to comment about a robber doing a better job? Like he didn't even see my work! Fucking stupid. Then he proceeds to ask me why I am tan, like??? "The sun". May you be damned then be tanned in SK?? Mind you the tone was all casual, nothing outright hostile but that old man was coming for my neck and calling me "mixed blood, mixed blood" in the most condescending way, like I'm not even tan I could be wayyyy more tanner, but I'm afraid I'd offend him even more if I was lol. Told me to try few Korean beauty products and then left a while later. Wow.
Ps. This was one of those few racist moments I had, most ppl are very nice though.
If I were you, when he said AI would replace my job, I would have directly said, “Like how they replaced you and your soggy dick?”
1 reply
20 01,2025