I only like fictional yaoi

Seikooc Seikooc 2025-01-20 06:25:46 About question
I’ve been a fujoshi since middle school let’s be fr, yet I can’t watch the real stuff like not even Live Action BL (or irl gay p*rn) just feels weird only when it’s fictional it’s fun, strangely enough, the same can be said with straight p*rn either, it kinda scares me and I can only tolerate lesbian irl stuff? Can anyone relate?


Patches January 20, 2025 8:58 am

I mean, its because Yaoi is not reality. Its pretty obvious that a lot of yaoi is made to be a Fantasy for straight women or fujoshis. Some of these always have that one Token fujoshi character that is unusually interested in their sex lives, and I'm pretty sure an actual gay man wouldnt be so comfortable with that. I dislike irl gay porn, but that goes for porn in general. I find sex really uncomfortable, and I'd prefer to think of it more as something that only happens in stories. If its live Action, its harder to pretend its not real. I have never watched porn, but I'm pretty sure it and yaoi are different. I'm not saying that all of them are, but yaoi generally is made to appeal to women, while gay porn is meant to appeal to gay men

Seikooc January 20, 2025 9:12 am

Yes! As someone said in the other comments! It’s not made for me therefore of course i wouldn’t enjoy it! Unfortunately same goes for straight porn as it’s so aggressive sometimes it’s scares me. As well that no real women in right mind would fujoshi out if they had a gay friend with a bf, what would there to squeal about it’s just a dude XD. I would be completely perplexed at their audacity if people acted like that in a real scenario!

轻轻落下来的叶子 January 20, 2025 8:16 am

I prefer fiction in general tbh.

I don't like most irl anything and like it does feel weird tbh moving from anime to not anime.

And like especially for me, sometimes I like to seach up VAs and like sometimes... it completely ruins shows for me.

Like I stopped watched BSD and only read because I just... idk I just felt uncomfortable knowing Chuya and Dazai's VA's faces.

Only case this doesn't happen with is Jun Fukuyama who voices Lelouch.

In terms of BL, tbh, I sort of understand. Yaoi is really different from irl, and sometimes it can be like going from reading typical shoujo manga to a movie with irl people about very real concepts such as heartbreak etc etc.

So when you make the switch, it's suddenly a lot more real than you really want it to be.

Some people were saying it feels a little bit homophobic, but tbh, as someone who has a lot of friends who are in the LGBTQ+ sphere (and ngl I'm also like a little ? about it), it's not really homophobic, as it is... it wasn't meant to be taken to that level of severity.

A lot of LGBTQ+ movies try reallt hard to be a good representation of irl concepts and irl issues, but yaoi by nature ngl is escapist.

there aren't many yaoi that directly address like sexuality confusion things. And when they do, it's usually in a very abstract and subtle way like in Hashihime of the Old Book Town, and it's rarely done as it was in Shimanami Tasogare.

Personally, I read a lot of yaoi as FICTION. It was never meant to be representative of anything... so I do sort of understand why it feels weird to suddenly try an actual LGBTQ+ film. It's just too real.

Yaoi was never really meant to be realistic lol and it might be that difference that makes you dislike it because you were never inherently looking for realism in the first place.

idk if this made sense but I hope it helps!

Seikooc January 20, 2025 8:30 am

well again i don’t watch live actions romance, shows or anything to be honest, i guess that could also play into why i might not enjoy it! but i did try to watch live yaoi and it’s just makes me cringe! Like these are two real men touching each other i can’t watch it! I am bi as well so perhaps i can only enjoy real lesbian action? but this did help thanks!

mushroom cloud January 20, 2025 7:41 am

i kinda relate bc i hate irl porn. like i have no desire to watch it (no matter what kind it is) but ive never had a problem w/ live action BLs

Seikooc January 20, 2025 8:17 am

with live action BL it’s harder to enjoy cause its like real people ya know, watching real gay people feels like it’s not meant for me, though i also can’t watch any live action romance shows or movies at all but with BL it just feels like i’m doing something wrong… i don’t know if i’m explaining it right (irl porn is very much scary, extremely aggressive i can enjoy women on women only)

lilithespark January 20, 2025 7:33 am

Maybe when u watch it live, it feels too real for you? You may want BL to stay strictly a fantasy, which is interesting…. Anyway, I don’t relate at all. Zilch. Nada. My first thought is homophobia but maybe there’s something else at work here idk

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 7:44 am

I think I'm the same as op (comfortable with lesbians but avoid gay porn) while I'm fine watching gay romance in real life but BL uh it's clearly made for straight women and not LGBTQ+ in mind, it's not only with 2D arguments anymore if you watch real BL you clearly like see two guys in action, so I avoid it I don't want to be called gay fetishizer lol.

Seikooc January 20, 2025 7:44 am

homophobia is interesting to claim but it’s again not just male to male p*rn it’s also straight p*rn that gives me the same uncomfortable feeling! i just don’t get why?? everyone else seems to enjoy it ( T﹏T )

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 7:44 am
I think I'm the same as op (comfortable with lesbians but avoid gay porn) while I'm fine watching gay romance in real life but BL uh it's clearly made for straight women and not LGBTQ+ in mind, it's not only wi... NanoFateHK33

*2D men arguments

Seikooc January 20, 2025 7:47 am
I think I'm the same as op (comfortable with lesbians but avoid gay porn) while I'm fine watching gay romance in real life but BL uh it's clearly made for straight women and not LGBTQ+ in mind, it's not only wi... NanoFateHK33

thats a good explanation maybe! since it’s not made for me i can’t enjoy it?

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 8:07 am
thats a good explanation maybe! since it’s not made for me i can’t enjoy it? Seikooc

honstly I watched my first irl BL drama a year ago that just kept showing characters that are women fangirling over the couple and calling them top bottom "Ooooh "A" is definitely the bottom since he cooks for the character "B"" while the women in the class squeals at the characters when they do something romantic, that made me really uncomfortable and cringe sooo hard that it's made me stop watching irl BL

lilithespark January 20, 2025 8:08 am
homophobia is interesting to claim but it’s again not just male to male p*rn it’s also straight p*rn that gives me the same uncomfortable feeling! i just don’t get why?? everyone else seems to enjoy it (... Seikooc

yea I thought abt that too and it doesn’t make much sense bc u feel the same with the straight stuff

lilithespark January 20, 2025 8:09 am
I think I'm the same as op (comfortable with lesbians but avoid gay porn) while I'm fine watching gay romance in real life but BL uh it's clearly made for straight women and not LGBTQ+ in mind, it's not only wi... NanoFateHK33

I mean I’d argue they’re the same to an extent. both real and ficitonal BL features two guys in a romance. People who would call u a fetishizer for that r dumb lol. Wdym by gay romance irl and real BL tho like r they not the same thing….

lilithespark January 20, 2025 8:12 am
thats a good explanation maybe! since it’s not made for me i can’t enjoy it? Seikooc

yea that could be it. i feel the same with a lot of shounen stuff. most live action BL r specifically curated with straight women in mind, so maybe it just doesn’t feel as authentic to u. this theory fails to account for why u feel comfortable with fictional BL tho.. well fictional BL is quite diverse so ig u’d find ones u rly enjoy

lilithespark January 20, 2025 8:13 am
honstly I watched my first irl BL drama a year ago that just kept showing characters that are women fangirling over the couple and calling them top bottom "Ooooh "A" is definitely the bottom since he cooks for... NanoFateHK33

not the token fujoshi yea that’s a common trope tho i see why u wouldn’ wanna see that. i see that a lot in fictional BL too

Seikooc January 20, 2025 8:23 am
I mean I’d argue they’re the same to an extent. both real and ficitonal BL features two guys in a romance. People who would call u a fetishizer for that r dumb lol. Wdym by gay romance irl and real BL tho l... lilithespark

gay romance and real BL is the same. I’m not a guy and i read the fictional stuff but don’t feel the same giddy when it’s live action BL, that’s the part i don’t get bout me? isn’t that a contradiction, i’ve seen women ship real guys or get excited about gay guys clips on the internet aswell and i just could never get it?

lilithespark January 20, 2025 8:33 am
gay romance and real BL is the same. I’m not a guy and i read the fictional stuff but don’t feel the same giddy when it’s live action BL, that’s the part i don’t get bout me? isn’t that a contradict... Seikooc

oh thanks for the clarification! i liked the point another commenter recently made on here abt how BL (not live action) is inherently escapist. i think u connect w/ the fictional chars more bc… well they’re fictional. if u see their faces, it removes that connection, so u might find it harder to relate to them and thus enjoy the content. i think it’s normal that u tolerate irl lesbian stuff as it may feel like it’s more “meant for u” cuz ur not a guy. hope that makes sense

Seikooc January 20, 2025 8:42 am
oh thanks for the clarification! i liked the point another commenter recently made on here abt how BL (not live action) is inherently escapist. i think u connect w/ the fictional chars more bc… well they’re... lilithespark

it does thanks! i do enjoy more fictional content like animation or characters in most media (BL just being the big part of it i do read some other things) i saw a lady once claim that’s since she likes guys she enjoys real gay pornography, honestly leaving me confused since i am bi i do like men but i can’t get into gay (straight aswel) porn or Live action BL, (as such i posted this for some

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 8:42 am
I mean I’d argue they’re the same to an extent. both real and ficitonal BL features two guys in a romance. People who would call u a fetishizer for that r dumb lol. Wdym by gay romance irl and real BL tho l... lilithespark

lol that was idiotic for me tbh real BL is real gay romance lol what I mean by real gay romance is gay romance made for queer people and not your typical Thailand BLs where it's clearly shown where they are trying to market their BL. I will respectfully disagree BLs manhuas/manhwas/manga are more authentic to me there are a lot of queer independent artists that create BLs and care about what they are creating, while on the other hand studios that create those irl BL, they just want to maximize their profit (that why they make their actors act gay in TikTok while they are having girlfriends at homes), also unlike irl BL it's not diverse like how with fictional is

Seikooc January 20, 2025 9:01 am
lol that was idiotic for me tbh real BL is real gay romance lol what I mean by real gay romance is gay romance made for queer people and not your typical Thailand BLs where it's clearly shown where they are try... NanoFateHK33

mainstream BL as been shifted so much for a women view but it’s would be hypocritical for me to speak on it as i am someone that indulges in it! I do love independent artist. My biggest spending habit is visual novels! “Our Life beginning and always” is such a perfect example of tasteful queer representation made by an independent artist!

lilithespark January 20, 2025 9:40 am
lol that was idiotic for me tbh real BL is real gay romance lol what I mean by real gay romance is gay romance made for queer people and not your typical Thailand BLs where it's clearly shown where they are try... NanoFateHK33

yk that’s fair but i was just thinking abt how bl manga/manhwa/whatever also fall into that category where it’s targeted toward straight women as well, esp some mainstream ones. like can u say every BL u’ve read tastefully depicts the gay experience…? a lot of the ones i’ve read don’t unfortunately. i absolutely agree that live action BL isn’t as diverse, and i hope it’ll expand one day. the “gay” tiktok actors thing is an interesting point too

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 9:47 am
mainstream BL as been shifted so much for a women view but it’s would be hypocritical for me to speak on it as i am someone that indulges in it! I do love independent artist. My biggest spending habit is visu... Seikooc

like yeah right? I think fictional BL is more diverse than irl BL, as there is a lot that are made by queer people and there are ones that are made by straight people. fictional BL has one or two people behind it while the live-action has a lot of people behind it and their goal is not to tell a queer story but cash in something popular, like I would be fine watching drama BL if those companies were not so weird about it, like making your actors act gay outside of their BLs roles? I mean common

lilithespark January 20, 2025 9:48 am
it does thanks! i do enjoy more fictional content like animation or characters in most media (BL just being the big part of it i do read some other things) i saw a lady once claim that’s since she likes guys ... Seikooc

huh that’s interesting! i think it could be a subjective thing (?) i personally don’t see the scenario ever happening for me. the reason being i also rly enjoy that disconnect from reality whenever im reading anything fictional (i read BL a lot but i read other things too lol). that’s why i read more rather than watch dramas most of the time i think

NanoFateHK33 January 20, 2025 10:11 am
yk that’s fair but i was just thinking abt how bl manga/manhwa/whatever also fall into that category where it’s targeted toward straight women as well, esp some mainstream ones. like can u say every BL u’... lilithespark

oh yeah, I agree, but on the other hand, we have BLs like dark heaven and here u are, it's not so bad for us after all we have BLs that are targeted at us or (everyone) lol, like sure there are a lot of bl manga/manhwa/manhua targeted toward straight women but in another hand we have BL targeted toward us. but irl BL doesn't have that


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