Red Note Migration
Might be a controversial take but I hate it. There I said it. Americans on tiktok are migrating to XHS apparently bc of the tiktok ban and it's so annoying. Not just that my feed is now full of them and I had to spend a long time curating it again but also the fact that they are already trying to bash and cancel some users on there based on their standards. I saw a lot of American users underneath a cosplay video calling the cosplayer a 'whitewasher' 'body dysmorphia promoter' etc. just bc they used a lighter shade of foundation for their IDV cosplay and showed an editing process for their cosplay. This isn't limited to cosplays but artists too I've seen quite a few people commenting 'A.I' on gorgeous art pieces made by CN artists when it's clearly not??? Ppl on TT say they're going to be respectful etc. etc. but it's only a matter of time before they ruin shit again and there's already so many signs. And I'm not trying to say everyone is like this, I'm sure there's respectful ones too, but in general it just irritates me and this is just me venting.
seen people comment whitewashing on fanart but never cosplay
1 reply
17 01,2025