My first pet
Let me tell you a sad story about my first pet. He was a Malunia and when he first came to our house he was a baby and was sooo small. In our hometown there's a tradition where you give a nickname to a child. My smallest brother's nickname was something like "Lord" so we named the bird after him. He used to sing really well and you'ld wake up early bc he would sing so loudly. But it was not a problem for us cause everyone wakes up early in my house. And he would peck at our teeths, it was kinda like tooth massage. One day my mom saw someone putting their bird cage to their balcony and said "Why not do the same for our Lord" and so she did. When i went to the terrace to get the cage back, i saw a bird leg in cage and there was lots of blood. A seagull ate him. Only me and my mom knows the truth, we told everyone that he escaped. Last year we bought a new bird but two days later we gave it to someone else. I guess we really didn't want another bird. Its been 3 years since then and i really hate seagulls.
oh man that's really sad i hope you recover may your bird Malunia rest in peace i kinda have a similar story like yours back then i had a dog named bruno my uncle saved him from the road and gave him to me as i think a birthday gift and i pretty much loved him i think he lived for 30 years with us untill one day when i was feeding him his dinner i saw that one of his legs was broken we couldn't bring him to the vet cause it was the night the only think we could think of was that we tie up his wound untill morning so when i woke up the next morning he was gone i asked my mom what happen to him and mom my said that she left the gate open and forgot to closed it last night and they think that he left so i could not see him die we searched everywhere and we couldn't find him we don't know if hes still alive or hes dead but he was a smart dog maybe he didn't want to see us be sad of hes death so that't why he left till this day i miss him