Karma isnt real
Karma isnt real and i think that that’s something that a lot of people have trouble accepting
I think that most people like to believe that bad people, especially people who hurt us, will themselves get hurt in the future but that’s not true
Sometimes bad people will do bad things and go on to live happy and fulfilling lives without ever facing justice
Sometimes the people who hurt us the most will never face any real consequences for their actions
If you’re lucky the guilt will slowly eat them alive even if nobody else knows and if you arent then they’ll completely forget about what they did and live their lives not weighed down by anything
And then they die and thats it
You can argue that they’ll face some sort of retribution in the after life (if you believe in that) but we dont know that for sure. Nobody does.
For a long time whenever i got hurt or abused by others the one thing that would keep me going was the thought that one day they would get what’s coming to them
That one day they’ll look back and regret what they did to me even if it takes 10 20 or 30 years
But rather than hope for something that i cant control i find myself much happier these days trying to forget about them
If they’re allowed to completely forget about what they did then I’m allowed to do the same
If they can live their lives happily and carefree I should get to do the same
I deserve to be happy too
I don't really agree with denouncing karma. Karma is not something we can really categorize as true or false, personally, and for a lot of people karma IS real. I've seen it at work and have experienced things I did come back to bite me in the ass. Idk what place in your life you're in for you to deny it's existence, bc to me it manifests in many f......
12 01,2025