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Say that your friend sent you it and told you to read it as a joke and them make fun of people who read yaoi. Sometimes you just gotta lie   reply
02 06,2020
You can also just talk with her and explain she will probably still love you   reply
14 07,2020
I'm not really sure if my family and relatives (except for a few cousins) know that I watch and read yaoi. Although I am open on social media that hints that I absolutely do, my friends are most likely the only ones who know that I'm a fujoshi. But, ofc I'm still as alert as I have to be when I'm watching or reading, I'm tryna see if I'll be able t......   1 reply
14 07,2020
I used to save a LOT gay comic on my laptop (the smut and sex one), never try to hide them. I put it on the first folder on my disk. My whole class check my laptop for some porn or something nasty then found it. I am a man yo so... yeah there is that. But my reaction was "So what!" and took my laptop from them. They don't bully nor talk about it, k......   1 reply
01 06,2020
i have never gotten caught but just say it was a pop up ad or something   reply
01 06,2020
I have a horrible fear of my parents or ANYONE finding out. I would say avoid them at all costs or try clearing up any misunderstandings with them (obviously don't go for the second idea). I would cry if someone found out like that means my efforts weren't enough but luckily my parents aren't strict and they trust me more than my little brother.   1 reply
01 06,2020
I don't think there's a way around honestly talking with your sis about it. Since it's already awkward now... I was once discovered by my very religious mum but luckily I wasn't at any kinky scene at that moment - so I could explain the 2 guys kissing as gender bender trope XD Hope it turns out well with your sis, good luck!   reply
01 06,2020
If my parents find out I probably be dead but my sister and friends know already   reply
01 06,2020
My dad would be disgusted but my brother knows and I rant to him frequently about it. But it's not like he can judge me. He watches hentai (I only know this because me and my friends+him always have an open relationship where we really aren't afraid of telling anyone anything). So I rant to him about the fluffier yaoi (and in some cases, he actuall......   reply
01 06,2020
Well more like I was the one who caught my sister reading yaoi. She borrowed a bunch of manga from the library and I was wondering what it was, gave it a read and was shocked. It was literally gay porn. I confronted my sister about it and she was totally chill and all like "yeah it's gay sex what about it?" so eventually i searched up for more yaoi......   1 reply
31 07,2020

getting caught

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