Maaaannn!! I woke up vvv early. I did my morning routine like usual (except I don't eat at morning) and when I'm doing my skin care, I thought that I should check my messenger, and so I did. Our prof suddenly sent a message that she will not be meeting us. It was damn 6:21 am when said that and our class starts at 7:30 am. Some of my classmates already left their house because they're far from our school. She was our only subject today from 7:30 am-10:30 am, she even made plan that we will be having a long quiz that's why I studied my notes last night, and I even slept early.
I was just disappointed, I hope she says it sooner than later. She always does it, it's so frustrating.

omg same!! this pmo so bad :( like i would be getting a good night rest but instead i stayed up late studying for something that we wouldnt be doing. TT at late nights i mostly read books so its a precious time for me bcus i rarely have free times, but now its taken away...
indeed, why do they always do this to us