Pain of piercing not bad but u need to clean it like twice a day with iodized salt and water for like 6 months if ur planning to get more I’d suggest getting them all in one go so u don’t waste time also make sure the jewelry is sturdy my piercer was a weird lady and had super thin jewelery that kept getting caught on my hair and bent and shit ...... 1 reply
I pierced mine with a blunt safety pin and salty water over the bathroom sink. It healed around two or three months later. Just ensure you don't do what I do and go to a proper piercer who uses the correct equipment (hollow needles, surgical steel jewellery that is internally threaded) and clean it at least twice daily. Don't try to change the pier...... 2 reply
The pain really isn’t that bad! I got mine a couple of years ago now, so it’s a bit hard to remember but honestly out of all my cartilage piercings, it was def the least painful. If you have a low pain tolerance then I suggest considering it some more—the same goes for if you often sleep on your side. Idk if this will be your first cartilage ...... reply