Apples, milk, omegas
Eat an apple everyday. Drink a cup of milk everyday. Get protein in ur small, weak as fuck body. Eat food with omega vitamins everyday (specifically Omega 3) like fish or blueberries. Eggs are great for vitamin D, protein, omega 3’s, and iron. Apples have lots of glucose for your neurons, gives them the good shit which promotes brain health. Yep, apples literally give u brain boosts folks. TO ALL THE WOMEN HERE, FOODS WITH HEALTHY FATS. Natural yogurt and whole milk right there. But fr, don’t be obese but also don’t be anorexic, body fat is important for women.
Before u work out,also eat something healthy for energy. After u work out, eat some meat and drink some milk. U only have a one hour window tho, so do it fast!! This will help ur body absorb the nutrients and also prevent fatigue or horrible feelings after a workout
At the very least a couple time a week eat an apple, drink some milk (bone strength guys, especially cuz low calcium can srsly jack u up and zap away strength), eat food with protein preferably meats, and eat food with omega 3’s to prevent Alzheimers. Like salmon. And again, eggs got almost all that shit. Shove some eggs in ur dusty ass mouth
noo i need my artifical flavouring to survive
28 12,2024