Im not gonna lie, but i love kids so much no matter what age they are 2months- 10 hell yeah but please STFU
i got my self window seat just to suffer. That kid crying at the front, i want to tell it to his mom, but i will be the "you don't understand that the mother have worse than you" or"you're the guy ofc you don't get it" I DON'T CARE IM TIRED LISTENING TO THAT BABY CRYING FOR WHOLE FLIGHT
AND THAT KID WHO KEEP DOING SHIT AT THE BACK MAN I HATE THIS KID SO MUCH PLEASE I ALREADY TOLD YOUR MOTHER TO MAKE U BEHAVE, BUT THIS IS KILLING ME. after that i need to wait for my uber, but another kid crying because the mother keep teasing the child STFUUUU i swear i love kids, but this is my rest day plz stfu
Is it only me who's never had the "crying kid on plane" experience, I've travelled by air plenty of times but most kids i encountered were somewhat disciplined, yeah they did talk and run around but it wasn't that bad.
25 12,2024