why do MangaGoers refuse to believe that people love feminine guys?
I see a lot of people here go off about how much authors love to create super feminine bottoms because they want to self-insert as them. Like, I saw someone ranting about a manhwa where the author made a super feminine bottom, claiming that the author fetishizes gay men and wants to be that feminine guy. even though the author is a guy, lol, and it's pretty clear he just wants to fuck that character instead of self-inserting because The character gets sexualized left and right, but people still refuse to acknowledge that some folks are genuinely attracted to super feminine bottoms. Why is that so hard to accept? Why do people always have to go through such a hoopla rather than accept that people are attracted to them? Sure, I believe there are authors who self-insert, but there are also plenty who are just attracted to feminine guys.
So true, but I think its more so that authors always make them weak crybabies. It puts things into perspective because why are feminine traits always put into that box? 1 reply