Does anyone have like their favourite older BL that they still really enjoy and miss the nostalgia of the time you read them? Like regardless of how badly the contents aged or how much you've grown out of the troupes in there, you still have a soft spot for?
Like, my personal favs are like Vassalord and Fake, and every series by Sugiura Shiho! But even the shorter series like Kamisama no Iutoori or Mother Spirits and Himegoto Asobi (my beloved ). The classics by Yamamoto-sensei or Zariya-sensei. Amongst the manhwa, Blood Bank and Heaven and Hell Company have a special place in my heart for introducing me to the Korean scenes.
Let Dai
Boy Princess/Kiss Me Princess
tho i must say, if i had to read these two again with my fully developed brain i know i would wanna kill myself and the authors so i will say nonetheless.
surprisingly they are both manhwas. damn been reading manhwas since the early 2000s lol reply
I think I really loved reading anything by Zaria
There was:
- Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
- Junjou Romantica
- anything by Yoneda Kou~~~
- Leopard Hakusho & other stuff by Ougi Yuzuha
- goodness the stuff by Mei Sakuraga
- close the last door
- acid flower
I guess it really was all about the yaoi hands 1 reply